Thursday, 30 June 2011

Another great day :D

Fished the river again today as i had a good day Tuesday and have been told to have the rest of the week off work with pay :D  Anyways i hit the river a nice little wind and warm weather brung on a hatch and the fish were rising freely so i decided to fish a single dry fly, after a couple of casts i hit into my first fish a nice little fish around half a pound and stunning red spots.  After i put it back to the wild to swim freely i noticed some nice fish rising in the same pool which i was fishing and they lookied like some reaaly nice fish too as they were doing what big fish do while rising they only sup at the water ot just poke thier nose out while gauging at flies coming down river.  I put my hares ear klinkhammer about 4/5 foot infront of one of the rising fish and nothing happened...........  So i tried it again and waited all tensed up waiting for a little sup or rise to my fly, and then it happened the most gentlest of rises.  I struck softly as iv been told that i strike too hard and all hell broke loose.  The fish ran me up and down side to side leaping 3/4 foot out of the water trying its best to snap me off but i kept myself calm and didnt rush the fish and as soon as i tried to bring it to hand it made one more run for it and leaped high into the air and spat the hook out.......... But i would say that the fish was around 4lb.  I was not amused :(

So after that dissapointment i gave the pool a few minutes to quit down and wait untill i could see more fish rising again before i put any line out.  I saw a few more rising fish after 10 minutes wait sitting in the overgrowth getting eaten by the midges and dodging the spiders :/  again i put my fly about 3/4 foot above the rising fish closest to me but this time it stuck straight away and run straight down river leaping absolutly everywhere twisting and turning but this time i was not letting it go so easilly, i waited untill i knew it was properly ready to bring to hand.  Not as big as the one that got away but a ncie 2 1/2lb fish and stunningly beautiful red and black spots which put a really big smile on my face :D

After that fish i moved on to other spots on the river and caught some nice fish around the 1lb mark and smaller but this time in deeper water i used klink & dink method which always works ;)  but the one thing i will say about the day is that ill need to tie up a few more nymphs from loosing them on fish and tree's etc ;) and will definatly be fishing the main river a fe more times before the season is out :D

Here a few pictures of the beautiful fish today :D



A true monster :)




  1. Where is the pictures of the three pounder? The fish in the last picture would struggle to make one and three quarter pounds

  2. sorry i was ment to take that off and put down 2 1/2lb :/ ill sort it out asap ;)

    but it is a bit bigger than 1 3/4 :p

  3. Looks around 16 inches unless you have very long forearms, so one and three quarters is probably more like it? To make two and a half pounds it would have to be around 19 inches, still a nice fish
