Ah well then guys its that time of year again the brown trout season ends and but what a season it has been and what a send off it gave me :)
The day started off with me as usual phoning Mostyn to see i he was going fishing and then we had a delema, where do we fish. We had the choice of the main river or the stream, but we always opt for the stream as we love it so much :D We got to the water at around 12 o'clock and the conditions were perfect. The water was back to normal levels and there was an abundance of fly life floating around such as stone fly, little olives, brook dunns, sedges and even the odd mayfly as the went on. I started off in a double pool run on my size 12 emerging klinkhammer. I put it up against the bank, up against big boulders where fish would normally lie in and even in the fast water and not a single touch :( Mostyn was picking pockets and i could see that he was picking up the odd few trout so i decided to head a bit further up river to where there is a lot of small but fast pockets which tend to hold some nice fish regular. As i got there i could see that there was a few trout rising so i crept down ( nearly on my knees ) so that they couldn't see me. I flicked a short line into some fast water and straight away i was into probably one of the nicest fish i have ever seen with spots to die for.

After that one i carried on using a short line watching out for over hanging trees and vegetation on rocks and it payed off as i must have had around 10/15 fish from them small fast pockets :D

After fishing the pockets there was a long pool with fast water at the head with a big boulder in the middle at the bottom of the run. I didn't have a single nudge in the bottom/calm part of the pool but as soon as i got myself into the faster water the rises was coming thick and fast but as the same as last week i just couldn't land into them and only picked up 2 fish when it should have been about 10 >:( but i didnt mind as i had a LOT of more water to cover further upstream :D
I then went upstream to see how Mostyn was doing, when i reached him he had starting doing what i was doing, fishing the small fast pockets instead of the long pools as he wasn't having much luck in them and he seemed to be doing just fine picking up a fare few trout ;) I left him on his own and i decided to fish water that Mostyn would normally fish. Same again, small fast pockets :D and i must have picked up about 20 fish in a few pockets. It was fishing that good :) i decided to give myself a rest and have some grub while i watched Mostyn fish the last pool of the day. A lot of boulders and running water ;)

His first cast SMASH, BANG, CRASH!!!! a large fish took his fly and snapped him off rite in front of him :-o
As you can imagine he was a bit gutted hahaha but he tied on a new fly and carried on ;) he placed his fly around rocks and up against the banks and picked up a few fish before placing his fly into the head of the pool. As he casted his fly into the fast water there was fish after fish striking at his fly, he missed a few but still managed to land a couple too.

A brilliant day and i cant believe that it is all over for another season :'( but now we can fill our fly boxes back up and look forward to next March 3rd for all the madness to start all over again ;)
Some nice pools and pockets :)

The rewards ;)