I havnt been fishing for a while so when i found out i will be having a few days off work i knew i had to get out on the rivers and small streams here in South Wales. First up Sunday 05/06/2011 was the lower River Taff. I only had 2 hours fishing from 4:00pm to 6:00 pm but what a 2 hours they were :) first i started off with a duo klink and dink method and managed quite a few all to the dink in rough and fast water of the little wiers on the stretch i was fishing and the bigger fish were winding me up leaping furiously out of the water saying haha you cant catch me no matter how hard i tried grrrrrrr. But after fishing the wier pools of the lower Taff i came to a slow moving bit of water in the middle of the pool, the fish were rising freely but didnt want to know with the klink and dink so i tried a griffith gnat instead. Still nothing, so i tried a single claret klinkhammer on a size 14. My first cast and i rose a fish BUT i only seen a little flash so thought it was only a little fish around 1/2lb so i put a bit of pressure onto the line, what a mistake, ther was crash, bags and what all i could fell was thud thud thud and a big splash and the fish was gone :(
So after loosing my favorate klinkhammer i thought ill try a fly which i have never used before a black klinkhammer with a peacock hearl as the thorax and again my first cast i was into a fish, not as big as the one that got away but a decent size fish about 1 3/4 lb and sped off down stream jumping and splashing giving off a good show for the onlookers watching me as i fight him to the net. But after i landed that fishi i had another fish around 1 lb and gave just as good a fight.
A nice 1 3/4 lb trout
Day twoand three06/06/20100 & 07/06/2011 was the return of the home stream. Those of you which know me personally will know where this little beauty of a stream is, but for thise of you which dont......... tough luck ;) but myself and a good friend of mine Mostyn started out both days at around 12:30pm. Before we hit the water we were greated by a special sight of the mayfly and upright olives floating and flying down and up river with wilder brown trout supping and splashign at the on the water, some even leaping out of the water trying to catch the flies :) Mostyn creeps up to the water and gets on his knees so that he doesnt sppok these wild beauties and it payed off first cast first fish, a nice 5/6 inch wild brownie. So this imidiatly gave me the good vibe and couldnt wait to get into one myself. I found myself surrounded by slow and fast water fishing a single klinkhammer and first cast into the fast water a nice little trout came to the fly but didnt hook on so i tried and tried again and after about 5 minutes of trying it hooked on, my heart was racing even though it wasnt a big fish around 5/6 inches BUT it was a wild brown tout and i love them :) as the day went along myself and Mostyn caught plenty of fish and some nice ones too for a small stream reaching to 1 1/4 lb in weight and lovely marking on them too.
Here are quite a few pictures of the two days :D
there was a good head of mayfly coming off the water :)

I cant wait to get back on this stream and catch these little fin perfection beauties :D
Mostyn fishing a nice pool on the home stream and grinning from ear to ear at a mayfy :)